Learn to EDIT a Video in PREMIERE PRO 2020 in 1 hour
Learn to EDIT a Video in PREMIERE PRO 2020 in 1 hour Learn to EDIT a Video in PREMIERE PRO 2020 in 1 hour https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Learn-to-EDIT-a-video-in-PREMIERE-PRO-2020-in-1-hour/1161670395 This is a 1 hour Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 tutorial, and exercise for beginner / intermediate students (with 4K footage provided), where we can practice together the whole video...
Filmora 9 Beginner Tutorial
Filmora 9 Beginner Tutorial Filmora 9 Beginner Tutorial https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Filmora-9-Beginner-Tutorial/300105635 In this class I am gonna teach you how to edit Videos on Filmora 9 and this is for beginners. In this class you gonna learn how to split, crop, pan & zoom, fast, slow, freeze frame, reverse, adjust video color and...
Event Stationery Layout Set with Illustrations 343908363 Free Download
Event Stationery Layout Set with Illustrations 343908363 Free Download Event Stationery Layout Set with Illustrations 343908363 indt
Intro to Motion Graphics 2020: Logo and Icon Animation in After Effects
Intro to Motion Graphics 2020: Logo and Icon Animation in After Effects Intro to Motion Graphics 2020: Logo and Icon Animation in After Effects https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Intro-to-Motion-Graphics-2020-Logo-and-Icon-Animation-in-After-Effects/173519081 Logo is an essential element of any business. It’s the most important part of a brand or an image of a company. Every single motion...
Creating Corona Virus In Maya & Arnold Renderer
Creating Corona Virus In Maya & Arnold Renderer Creating Corona Virus In Maya & Arnold Renderer https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Creating-Corona-Virus-In-Maya-Arnold-Renderer/208647713?via=search-layout-grid In this class, we are going to dive into how to create a Coronavirus. We are going to take a look at how primitive works and how we can get that microscopic look....
Canva Bussiness & Studio | Chromatic 3979497 Free Download
Canva Bussiness & Studio | Chromatic 3979497 Free Download Chromatic is a Canva Bussiness & Studio proposal and also can be a magazine layout with layered imagery, bold graphic elements and flashes of color. The layouts are minimal, beautifully spaced and elegant. The preview images are shown in nude, however...
Create a Retro Aesthetic Design Animation in Cinema 4D
Create a Retro Aesthetic Design Animation in Cinema 4D Create a Retro Aesthetic Design Animation in Cinema 4D https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Create-a-Retro-Aesthetic-Design-Animation-in-Cinema-4D/1298804430?via=search-layout-grid For your class project, you’ll create a 3D Aesthetic Retro Design Animation in cinema 4D Below, I’ve included links to the 3D objects I used throughout this class, .Though, I would...
9 ways to overcome a Creative Block
9 ways to overcome a Creative Block 9 ways to overcome a Creative Block https://www.skillshare.com/classes/9-ways-to-overcome-a-Creative-Block/1607799631?via=search-layout-grid Fighting Creative Block is extremely important and I know this class will help you! We all hit this roadblock from time to time and I know hard it is. Even as a professional I...
ADP Pro v3.2 Luminosity Mask Panel for Photoshop
ADP Pro v3.2 Luminosity Mask Panel for Photoshop ADP Pro v3.2 Luminosity Mask Panel for Photoshop A comprehensive and innovative Luminosity Mask panel designed in a compact and easy to use design. ADP Pro v3 has been designed to bring you all of the power of luminosity masks, and...
Eric Bennett – “Flourishing Life” From Start to Finish
Eric Bennett – “Flourishing Life” From Start to FinishEric Bennett – “Flourishing Life” From Start to Finish https://www.bennettfilm.com/FlourishingLife In this tutorial video, I cover my entire processing workflow for this image starting in Camera Raw and ending in Adobe Photoshop. You don’t need to buy any panels or any extra...