Ultimate Photoshop guide on Curves
Ultimate Photoshop guide on Curves Ultimate Photoshop guide on Curves https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Ultimate-Photoshop-guide-on-Curves/1776448774 This course is ideal for everyone who wants to clear their concepts on curves in photo editing. We all see the curves adjustment settings in almost all photo editing apps. We know it’s powerful, but its not clear how...
Painting Fruits & Florals in Watercolor with a Modern Twist
Painting Fruits & Florals in Watercolor with a Modern Twist Painting Fruits & Florals in Watercolor with a Modern Twist https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Painting-Fruits-Florals-in-Watercolor-with-a-Modern-Twist/124608825 Learn to paint watercolor fruits & florals with a modern twist! In this class, you’ll create four distinct watercolor paintings. During each project, you’ll learn specific skills to help...
Travel Videography: What Gear You’ll Need!
Travel Videography: What Gear You’ll Need! Travel Videography: What Gear You’ll Need! https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Travel-Videography-What-Gear-Youll-Need/141692812 Turn your dreams of YouTube stardom into a reality, learn from travel video experts Kristen Sarah & Nadine Sykora which gear you’ll need to master travel video. Learn about the gear your favourite travel creators are using to...
Learning Capture One
Learning Capture One Learning Capture One https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Learning-Capture-One/455901294?via=search-layout-grid This class is all about how to learn Capture One. We we’ll go over all the tools within this program you need to get started editing your photos. Do you want to be a professional photographer? Capture One is a top-level editing software that...
Blake Rudis – Advanced Concepts in Adobe Camera Raw Workflow
Blake Rudis – Advanced Concepts in Adobe Camera Raw Workflow Blake Rudis – Advanced Concepts in Adobe Camera Raw Workflow https://f64elite.com/courses/ Your RAW workflow is the critical starting point for all of your photographs, are you starting in the most efficient way possible? In this course, I am going to...
Alexander Talyuka – How to Teach a Client to Pose in 10 Minutes!
Alexander Talyuka – How to Teach a Client to Pose in 10 Minutes! Alexander Talyuka – How to Teach a Client to Pose in 10 Minutes! https://liveclasses.ru/course/photo/pose_for_ten_minutes/ A private client is rarely shot and does not know how to pose, but wants to look like on the cover of a...
Greg Benz Photography – Dodging & Burning Master Course
Greg Benz Photography – Dodging & Burning Master Course Greg Benz Photography – Dodging & Burning Master Course https://gregbenzphotography.com/dodging-burning-master-course Do your images look flat? It is very challenging to create a sense of our 3-dimensional world with a 2-dimensional photograph. The dramatic light you saw may not come through in...
YouTube Success: Creating Exciting Travel Videos
YouTube Success: Creating Exciting Travel Videos YouTube Success: Creating Exciting Travel Videos https://www.skillshare.com/classes/YouTube-Success-Creating-Exciting-Travel-Videos/1495055906 Learn from travel video experts Kristen Sarah & Nadine Sykora, who turned their love of exploring into a YouTube channel with nearly 1 million subscribers. This course will teach you how to creating exciting travel videos that...
MoGraph Mentor – Classical Animation Workflow & Techniques by Henrique Barone
MoGraph Mentor – Classical Animation Workflow & Techniques by Henrique Barone MoGraph Mentor – Classical Animation Workflow & Techniques by Henrique Barone https://campus.mographmentor.com/p/classical-animation-henrique-barone This training series serves as a roadmap for understanding the discipline of traditional animation. Starting with a foundation in basic concepts and progressing to characters, we will...
Domestika – Digital Collage in Photoshop: Composition and Visual Effects
Domestika – Digital Collage in Photoshop: Composition and Visual Effects Domestika – Digital Collage in Photoshop: Composition and Visual Effects https://www.domestika.org/en/course…e-in-photoshop-composition-and-visual-effects Start your course by meeting Nick and learning about his experience as an artist. He takes you through some of his most interesting projects and presents you to a...
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