Image Super-Resolution GANs Free Download

Image Super-Resolution GANs Free Download

Image Super-Resolution GANs Free Download Image Super-Resolution GANs   Enhance/upsample images with Generative Adversarial Networks using Python and Tensorflow 2.0   What you’ll learn: Create a generator architecture that upsamples an image by 4 times in each dimension Create a discriminator architecture that scores both realism and fidelity to...

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Introduction to Statistics with Python Free Download

Introduction to Statistics with Python Free Download

Introduction to Statistics with Python Free Download Introduction to Statistics with Python Where Statistics and Programming Meet What you’ll learn: Basic statistical analysis How to utilize the Jupyter Notebook Basic of the Python language for statistical analysis Data visualization Requirements: No prior coding experience required No prior statistical experience required...

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Java: Lambdas and Streams Free Download

Java: Lambdas and Streams Free Download

Java: Lambdas and Streams Free Download Java: Lambdas and Streams In Java, lambdas and streams are everywhereβ€”near ubiquitous, it would seem. They’re two of the most commonly used examples of functional programming, which tends to be more concise and predictable than its object-oriented counterpart. In this course, instructor Bethan Palmer...

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The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for Data Science and AI Free Download

The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for Data Science and AI Free Download

The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for Data Science and AI Free Download The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for Data Science and AI Learn to use Python Like a Data Scientist. Including tutorials on Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib , Seaborn and a lot more!! What you’ll learn: You will first learn...

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JDBC DAO & SQL: Practical Crash Course Build Database App Free Download

JDBC DAO & SQL: Practical Crash Course Build Database App Free Download

JDBC DAO & SQL: Practical Crash Course Build Database App Free Download JDBC, DAO & SQL: Practical Crash Course – Build Database App Learn JDBC and get practical experience by engineering relational database (MySQL) and creating Java App to work with DB What you’ll learn: JDBC SQL Relational Databases Connecting...

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Google Apps Script Learn Coding Projects Exercises Resources Free Download

Google Apps Script Learn Coding Projects Exercises Resources Free Download

Google Apps Script Learn Coding Projects Exercises Resources Free Download Google Apps Script Learn Coding Projects Exercises Resources Explore how you can get started with Google Apps Script using code to interact with Google Workspace GSuite Apps What you’ll learn: Explore how to open up the script editor and write...

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Learn how to extract data from webpages using Python Free Download

Learn how to extract data from webpages using Python Free Download

Learn how to extract data from webpages using Python Free Download Learn how to extract data from webpages using Python Automatically Extract and Scrape Data From Webpages Using Python Script What you’ll learn: Setup a Python Environment Create and activate a virtual environment Build Python Script Prototype Python Script Extract...

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Learning SOLID Programming Principles Free Download

Learning SOLID Programming Principles Free Download

Learning SOLID Programming Principles Free Download Learning SOLID Programming Principles There are many principles that support good object-oriented design and programming. Five of these principles are described by SOLID: single responsibility, open-closed, Liskov substitution, interface segregation, and dependency inversion. These principles guide the creation of stable, scalable, and robust code....

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Learn Dart 2.16.1 Basics Free Download

Learn Dart 2.16.1 Basics Free Download

Learn Dart 2.16.1 Basics Free Download Learn Dart 2.16.1 Basics Understanding Dart is fundamental to working with Flutter What you’ll learn: How to create dart programming Basic programming skills with Dart Why flutter use Dart language Why Dart is perfect language compared to javascript Dart strengths over other programming language...

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Java Testing: A Course For Wannabes Free Download

Java Testing: A Course For Wannabes Free Download

Java Testing: A Course For Wannabes Free Download Java Testing: A Course For Wannabes Learning Java Testing From Scratch What you’ll learn: Learning Java Testing basic knowledge, Gettin relevaant information. Getting tips to study better, Learning about Java Testing Requirements: Computer and speakers, Description: Do you like Java Testing and...

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