20 Days Of Boats , Reflections & Water – A Watercolor Voyage

20 Days Of Boats , Reflections & Water – A Watercolor Voyage 20 Days Of Boats , Reflections & Water – A Watercolor Voyage


Welcome to 20 Days Of Learning boats, reflections & water

Watercolor sure is an unpredictable medium..water in general is quite uncertain too..and what happens when you try to combine the unpredictability & uncertainity and paint water with watercolor ?

Painting Boats and reflections has been a huge dream for me since i started watercolor three years ago..it did remain a dream for a long time..until recently i surprised myself by painting a huge collection of boats..well, now i am here to teach you everything i have learned over the past years of painting boats and reflections..

Everyday for 20days we will paint one boatscape..starting with a very simple , no-effort boatscape..gradually we will dive deep into the watercapes ..and i am sure by the end of these 20 days, you are gonna look at those boats very differently and i bet you will not stop painting if you find one..

This 20 day course will act as a guide for anyone who wish to paint those unpredictable waters and the subjects surrounding waters..are you ready ? lets get started then..