Laurie Burrows 5 Figure Launch System Free Download

Laurie Burrows 5 Figure Launch System Free Download

12-Week Group Coaching Program To Discover How To Create, Launch & Sell Your Online Courses & Programs So You Can Scale To Consistent 5-Figure Months

Does this sound familiar?
You’re offering a 1:1 service where you can only take on so many clients at a time, you want to increase your income but taking on more clients means more time and will lead to you feeling burntout.

You’ve tried launching a course or group program, but it has not gone how you expected it to. You felt overwhelmed and the sales were not in your favor.

You have an awesome idea for a course or a program but you have no idea what to do with it and how to sell it.

You’re confused with all of the options. What should I charge? How should I market it? What platforms should I use?

You’re frightened of the competition, they are killing it so how will you too? You want to know their secret but you can’t work it out.

You’re putting content out there, showing up daily but all you hear is crickets. Nobodies enrolling in what you are putting out and you don’t know how to change that.

FREEDOM is all I have ever wanted.

I wanted FREEDOM to leave my 9-5, where I spent endless hours clock watching, counting down the minutes until the clock hit 5. That’s not a life!

I wanted to the FREEDOM to choose how I made my money and how much I could make, rather than having someone cap it to what they thought I was worth.

I wanted the FREEDOM to do what I wanted with my time, without someone telling me what to do and when to do it.

So I quit.

I quit my 9-5 and launched my course.


Now, I make multiple 6 figures whilst only working 10 hours a week and being a full time mum.

Now, I have the FREEDOM to do what I want when I want.

NOW, I LOVE what I do.

And you can too.

⇒ Finding Your Ideal Client

Understanding your ideal client is the foundation of having a 5 figure launch. A lot of people under estimate how important this is.

We will cover:

  • Why having a niche important
  • How to find your ideal client
  • Problems people are willing to invest highly in
  • What your ideal client wants from you
  • How to increase the amount your ideal client will pay

⇒ Creating A Profitable Course

You will learn how to create a course your audience actually wants to buy.

We will cover:

  • How to develop your course ideas
  • What to include in your course
  • How to structure your course
  • How to price your course
  • How to create your course
  • Software for creating your course

⇒ Building A Ready To Buy Audience

It is important that you know how to attract, nurture and convert your audience. In this module I will teach you my techniques for exactly that.

We will cover:

  • Attracting and nurturing an audience
  • The customer journey
  • Different content types
  • Creating content that converts your audience
  • Creating a convertible freebie

⇒ Organic Social Media Marketing

This module continues on from building a ready to buy audience.

We will cover:

  • How to build, grow and leverage your Facebook Group.
  • How to use Instagram effectively to gain new clients.
  • How to build and grow your email marketing list.

⇒ Launch Strategy

Now your program is created, it is time to launch it. In this module I will teach you how to hit those 5 figure launches.

We will cover –

  • 5 figure launch plan
  • 5 figure launch checklist
  • Creating a sales pages
  • Creating a challenges
  • Creating an email sequence (including my email templates)

⇒ Selling Like A Pro

To have a 5 figure launch it is important you know how to sell.

We will cover:

  • The importance of your mindset
  • Why people buy and how to convert the,
  • Dealing with objections
  • How to sell through your content
  • How to do a sales call

♦ What Is Included

40+ Self-Paced Training’s On How To Create, Launch & Sell Your Courses & Programs ($6000 Value)

Not only will you learn how to create and launch a sellout course, you will also learn how to position yourself as an expert, build an engaged audience who are ready to buy from you and how to continue to scale your business each month!

Live Bi-Weekly Training ($6000 Value)

You will have access to live training on how to create your course, build funnels, mindset and more.

Live Bi-Weekly Q&A For As Long As You Need Them ($6000 Value)

Where you will individually get coached and consulted on your course, launch, sales and mindset. I will help you map out your launches and answer any questions you have.

Private Facebook Mastermind Group

Community is so important and now more than ever… you have the opportunity to get out of isolation and into a supportive inspiring group

⇒ Bonuses!

Behind The Scenes Blueprint Of My 50K Launch ($997 Value)
I will give you access to the behind the scenes of my 50K launch including every post and email campaign I created. This alone is worth the price of the program!

Launch Planner & Checklist ($197 Value)
I will give you access to my launch planner and checklist so you can organise your launches with ease. This will also include a video on how to use it.

Social Media Post & Graphic Templates ($197 Value)
You will have access to social media post and graphic templates to make creating content quick and simple.

The 5 Figure Email Sequence ($197 Value)
You will have access to my email marketing sequences so you can start nurturing and converting your audience outside of your Facebook Group and Instagram. Not only is it simple to use but it will save you hours writing copy.

♦ Become Another Success Story

“Within one free LIVE training session with Laurie, I knew that I needed the power house that she is, with the knowledge that she has in my life… Every penny that I’ve spent with her I’ve made back in double / triple form!”

“Laurie is an amazing business coach!… The social media strategies she teaches really do work and the support she offers in her group sessions is second to none!… Everything is laid out so simply and effectively that you really can’t get lost!”

“In the first three days of launching my mastermind I made £16K, all using the methods within the system Laurie trains you to use… She is one of the most incredible coaches to work with!”

“Within just a few short months of working with Laurie the results have been phenomenal!… The amount I’ve spent on the system has been returned ten-fold!…I can now convert a free mindset audit into a paid training session so easily!”

Laurie Burrows – 5 Figure Launch System.part1.rar – 1024.0 MB
Laurie Burrows – 5 Figure Launch System.part2.rar – 1024.0 MB
Laurie Burrows – 5 Figure Launch System.part3.rar – 1024.0 MB
Laurie Burrows – 5 Figure Launch System.part4.rar – 609.0 MB