How to use Clay and Photoshop to Create your own Creature concept
How to use Clay and Photoshop to Create your own Creature concept
as artists it can be struggle to pursue and learn new things and in today’s world there is so much competition so how can you strengthen your skills quicker. In this class I’ll show you how to make clay easy and fun with a creature similar to the one in the cover image. my goal with this class is not just for people with experience in ether sculpting or Photoshop but beginners can learn a lot to. I’m not looking for the perfect sculpts that’s were Photoshop comes in. The more you practice this approach the more you’ll understand how it works and how it can benefit you, its like riding a bike once the training wheels are off theirs no stopping your creativity.
I’ll help you :
- have more freedom when painting without worrying about your design looking to flat
- push your imagination to the limits and not having to worry about going over board
- become faster at coming up with ideas
- design concepts that you can put in your portfolio
That’s just some of the many things you can learn from this class.