Amy Hoy & Alex Hillman 30×500 Academy Free Download

Amy Hoy & Alex Hillman 30×500 Academy Free Download

“What if I launch a product that nobody wants to buy?”

Most of us, when we want to ship a product, we start at the beginning and with the most obvious ingredient: the product.

Because when you can create, the act of creating feels most natural and straightforward.

But it makes it so easy to end up with a product that nobody wants to buy.

And isn’t that every new entrepreneur’s worst nightmare? All that work, and nobody cares.

Failure. Not even dramatic failure — a flop, a fizzle.

A product that nobody wants to buy.

Let’s press pause that horror scenario for a moment and consider the alternative…

What if you knew that your product would launch to happy customers and predictable sales on day one?

If you knew exactly what your customers want, you could simply show them how to get it.

You could stop cringing, “But I’m not an expert…” because you’d know exactly how to help people.

You could stop worrying, “Will anyone want this?” because you’d know they do.

You could stop wondering, “What if they don’t like it?” because you made it just for them.

You could kick your fears to the curb and get shit done.

You could launch your new product to an excited list of people who trust you, who happily pay for things, and who want what you have to offer them.

You might even hear the magic words: “SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!”

You could make sales your very first day.

You could revel in that magical feeling that only comes when you round-house kick your fears in the face and watch ’em run away, sobbing for mommy.

Plus, earning money by helping people.

Freedom from the hamster wheel of hourly work. The taste of success that comes from a stranger on the internet buying a thing that you made.

Imagine never worrying and wondering “will anybody buy this thing I made?”

What if it was more than possible….what if it was repeatable?

How can you create predictable, repeatable sales?

When you start out by making something – that something being the “product” in your product business – the best you can do is hope that someone will want it enough to whip out their wallets and buy.

Cuz the goal of a business isn’t just to make things.

Alone, as the last person on earth, you could make things.

You can’t sell things unless you have people who want to buy.


Customers are the pivotal ingredient in success. The one thing you cannot succeed without.

So, if you want to launch to instant sales, you must start with the customer.

Figure out what they need. And what they want. And what they’re willing to buy — to pay for, to read, to use, to share, to recommend.

Then figure out a way you — yes, you! — can give it to them.

When you learn what your would-be customers need, want, and are willing to buy (read, share, use, recommend), you also learn…

  • …what content will attract them. No more begging for traffic! ?
  • …what CTA will compel them to subscribe. Watch your email list grow. ?
  • …what you can do to earn their trust. People who trust you want to buy. ?
  • …what price will seem fair — or like a steal. Set premium prices with confidence. ?
  • …what emails they’ll open. 25-40% open rates? No problem! ?
  • …and what sales copy will open their wallets. ???

When you start with the customer everything becomes clear and a whole lot easier.

You can redirect the energy you would normally pour into fretting, freaking out, and thrashing into kicking ass.

You can make a plan. Execute that plan. Get shit done. Build your list.

And of course, build a product that your audience needs, wants, and is ready to buy.

And then launch, to sales sales!

Learn and practice focusing on your customer, from the comfort of wherever you are, by joining 30×500.

When you enroll in 30×500, here’s exactly what you’ll do:

  • You’ll pick your audience. It’s easy, promise.
  • Then learn how they tick.
  • And understand what they need, want, and are ready to buy.
  • You’ll create valuable content and resources that help build your reputation, earn trust with your audience, and of course build your traffic!
  • Then convert your new readers to subscribers, and then into enthusiastic buyers.
  • You’ll learn how to use the most systematic process ever to generate infinite product ideas, with no genius or flash of inspiration required.
  • And practice drafting persuasive sales copy that opens wallets, even if you “suck” at writing!
  • You’ll create your product, of course, using our techniques for keeping scope in check and shipping on time.
  • And you’ll execute a launch that builds momentum and anticipation

The systems, techniques, and processes you’ll learn in 30×500 have been developed over 8+ years and by observing the successes and struggles of 1,000+ students with their launches generating in combined student earnings.

Amy Hoy & Alex Hillman – 30×500 Academy.part1.rar – 3.0 GB
Amy Hoy & Alex Hillman – 30×500 Academy.part2.rar – 1.5 GB