ArtStation Masterclasses Vitaly Bulgarov Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment Free Download

ArtStation Masterclasses Vitaly Bulgarov Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment Free Download

ArtStation Masterclasses – Vitaly Bulgarov Robotic 3D Design for Entertainment

In this class Vitaly will be focusing on demonstrating and explaining his approach and techniques for creating a solid “1st Pass” 3D Design of a robotic character for a Film or a Videogame project. 1st pass design phase is considered one of the most challenging and critical stages of a 3D design creation process.


“Challenging” because fast turnarounds and yet with high quality are usually expected by the clients at the beginning of a project when there is still room for exploration and therefore this stage demands an array of skills throughout several software packages and clarity of design thinking of a task at hand. “Critical” because a properly done and a successful 1st pass design creates a definite visual target for the project early on and lays the foundation for the future iterative work on the more refined/final design version as well reduces overall cost and saves time of the asset production for the entire team while not compromising the quality.