Beginners Intro to WordPress Custom Theme Development – Mac, MAMP & More Free Download

Beginners Intro to WordPress Custom Theme Development – Mac, MAMP & More Free Download

Beginners – Intro to WordPress Custom Theme Development – Mac, MAMP & More
This course will go over, step-by-step, how to get started building your first WordPress custom theme. We will cover everything from the programs you need to install, downloading and setting up the core files and database, to connecting frameworks to get the theme up and running quickly. The course is aimed for complete beginners however, everybody interested in creating custom WordPress themes can learn something from it. This course is aimed at the procedural side of creating a custom WordPress theme, not building a beautiful, functional theme completely. Prior knowledge of HTML, CSS, PHP, and general coding best practices are recommended. I will be using a Mac, however this can be down on a Windows machine as well. I hope you’re as excited as I am to get started on your journey of building your first custom WordPress theme!

Size: 428.7 MB Free Download