Animation Fundamentals: Rigging a Cycling Character in Cinema 4D Free Download

Animation Fundamentals Rigging a Cycling Character in Cinema 4D Free Download

Animation Fundamentals: Rigging a Cycling Character in Cinema 4D

Hellooo! Today we’re going to rig a bike in Cinema 4D! In the last class we rigged a full character, in this class we’ll put that character on a bike ready for some cycling animation.

This class is a follow up to my last class, ‘How to rig your first character in Cinema 4D’. I’d really recommend doing that one first, but if you’re here to just get a bike ready for animation then everything is provided in the class materials for you to follow along!

We will be covering:

    • Setting up Basic Bike Controls, arranging your bike model for spinning the wheels and steering control.
    • Then we’ll be doing a little intro to Mograph Cloners and Xpresso. This will help us set up a really satisfying automatic bike chain rig. You spin the main cog and everything else moves by itself.
    • And finally we’ll be taking our character rig from the last class and we’ll be attaching it to the bike ready for riding.

There’ll also be a bonus video of my animation process attached to this class which I’ll be posting over on my brand new YouTube channel! I’ll be posting loads of fun stuff over there so be sure to subscribe.

I hope that once you have completed this course you’ll have the knowledge of not only how bike rigs work for animation but also a bunch of new skills that you can apply to all areas of animation prep! So lets get peddelin’!!