Documentary Filmmaking – Activist Films Change Minds

Documentary Filmmaking – Activist Films Change Minds

 Documentary Filmmaking – Activist Films Change Minds

There are many different kinds of films that can comfortably reside under the main category of factual filmmaking. The key word that binds them all together is factual, as opposed to fiction.

These factual films can take on a variety of forms – from short and feature length documentaries to news and current affairs stories, from promotional videos to hard hitting activist films. In this course we are taking a look at the different kinds of activist films you can make.

What activist films share is that their roots are firmly anchored in reality, in real life and they deal with real people and situations. And it is because of this reality that it becomes so important to ensure that what you put out there as a filmmaker, is based on fact – whether it’s a documentary or a promotional film or in this case an activist film.