GraphicRiver – Waveform Artist – MP3 to Waveform Poster 20644757

GraphicRiver – Waveform Artist – MP3 to Waveform Poster 20644757Waveform Artist - MP3 to Waveform Poster - Actions Photoshop


WaveformArtist converts your voice or any sound or song into works of art. You can create a beautiful waveform poster of any .mp3 file and hang it on your wall. Waveform Artist offers you several artistic styles and you can customize the final artwork. You can also save the waveform graphic as a vector .eps file and open in a vector app like Illustrator or Coreldraw.

Requires Photoshop CC2015 or later

Last Update
Created 18 September 17
Add-on Files Included Layered PSD, Photoshop JSX
Works With PSD, JPG
Minimum Adobe CS Version CC 2015
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