PolySnow+ v1.01 for 3ds max 2016-2022 Free Download

PolySnow+ v1.01 for 3ds max 2016-2022 Free DownloadPolySnow Plus for 3dsMax_2PolySnow Plus for 3dsMax_3PolySnow Plus

  • PolySnow Plus is a C++ based & multithreaded 3dsMax plugin that creates realistic snow with a click. It includes 5 custom objects and 6 modifiers specificly designed for snow creation workflow. A variety of parameters lets you get the desired results in every situation.
  • Make your 3d assets’ winter versions with a click
  • Easy to use
  • PolySnow Plus works with 3dsmax 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022


  • PS_Particles: Procedural object that generates snow particles on input objects.
  • PS_Mesher: Mesher object that takes particles as input to generate the final snow mesh.
  • PS_Icicle: Icicle object that takes objects or particles as inputs to create icicles at the bottom of the objects.
  • PS_Flakes: Animated procedural snow flakes object with a variety of parameters to get the desired results.
  • PS_FastSnow: An additional procedural object that creates snow mesh based on the topology of input object. Similar to extrusion method.


  • [PS][M] FluffySnow: Modifier for mesher to make the snow fluffy.
  • [PS][M] PolyPrint: A animatable procedural modifier that takes objects as input to create snowprints on snow mesh.
  • [PS][M] SnowNoise: A procedural noise modifier works based on surface normals unlike default noise modifier. With detailed options to adjust perlin noise levels and dots noise parameters.
  • [PS][M] SnowSculpt: Brush based sculpting modifier for snowmesh that lets you refine the surface of the snow. Lets you add detail to surface like tiremarks, pathways etc…
  • [PS][P] ParticleToFlake: A procedural modifier to convert particles to flake meshes.
  • [PS][P] SnowPaint: Brush based snow paint modifier that creates particles based on the brush strokes. Can be used as input for mesher to make it visible.

Update 1.01

  • Added support for 3dsMax 2022
  • Bug fixes