Daniel Throssell Campaign Conqueror Free Download

Daniel Throssell Campaign Conqueror Free Download

What You Get:

Part I: My ‘Conquering Campaign’ Blueprint

In this section — which you can get through in a little over an hour — I give you my ENTIRE end-to-end blueprint for writing email campaigns for myself OR any client.

I’ve put it at the start to give you a ‘quick win’…

Because by the end of it, you will know almost everything I do about writing an effective email campaign.

You’ll know:

  • How to calculate your cart-open duration for any sale
  • The best day and even time to close your cart
  • EXACTLY how many emails to send on each day of the campaign (based on two factors I’ll tell you how to measure)
  • The 4 things you need to find out from your client before you write a campaign
  • When to suppress buyers from sales emails — and when not to
  • How “launch” emails should differ from the “regular” emails you send your list (trust me, you will NOT work this out just by watching what I do and trying to ‘deconstruct’ it — you’ll see when I tell you)
  • What to write in your launch emails — and how they should change over the course of the campaign
  • How to get away with sending 8 emails in a day — and have people LOVE you for it
  • How to ‘recycle’ previously-written campaigns without burning out your list
  • How to predict ahead of time how many sales you’ll get on each day of a campaign — and how to bend the “sales curve” at will
  • How to write a sales page for your campaign (and how to work out if you even need one at all!)
  • And a LOT more!

Part II: Advanced Email Warfare Strategies

In Part II, I get more advanced, and assume you have total control not just over the copy … but also over the offer, and how you package, frame & present it.

I also give you some more controversial (but DEVASTATINGLY effective ?) techniques for massively jacking up your response & sales. You do not HAVE to use these (and if you’re squeamish about a little online hate, I recommend you don’t) … but BOY are they effective.

You’ll know:

  • How to adapt my framework for promoting websites … winning contests … launching bestselling books … or anything where it would help to have a huge mob of people doing your bidding
  • The 6 iron-clad rules of offers that BLOW the barn doors off
  • The UNBELIEVABLE selling power of a “star-aligned” offer << This might just be the most powerful lesson in this course…
  • How to make buying from you a virtuous “cause” your customers RALLY behind
  • Two simple ways to make your campaign more entertaining than NETFLIX!
  • How to ADD value to your offer by literally REMOVING value
  • Why adding ‘fast-action’ bonuses can be a TERRIBLE idea…
  • How to make your campaign go VIRAL with the “Trump x Hitler” strategy << I nearly did NOT include this lesson in the course, because it’s one of my most powerful secrets for getting free attention — and no, it’s not just “be controversial”
  • How to profit even from people who DON’T buy your offer…
  • And more!

Part III: Head-To-Head Battle Tactics

In Part III I reveal my strategies that are specifically adapted to going head-to-head with other affiliates in affiliate sales contests … and outselling them.

Admittedly, you may never participate in an affiliate contest like this.

But some of these techniques are so powerful (like my “offer framing” secret), I can almost guarantee you’ll use them elsewhere.

You’ll discover:

  • How to beat people with FAR bigger lists & reputations…
  • Two “Captain Obvious” strategies for making MORE sales than anyone else…
  • How to render people physically incapable of giving money to anyone but YOU…
  • Three ways to INSTANTLY position yourself as the best affiliate to buy from…
  • How to literally create value out of THIN AIR with “offer framing”…
  • How to get a 100% upsell conversion rate…
  • And more!

Part IV: The “Annals of Email Conquest”

I’ve saved the best for last…

Because included in Campaign Conqueror is a FULL library of ALL the successful email campaigns I’ve written for my own business.

But you don’t just get a “swipe file”…

Every single campaign comes with a full “Campaign Report” where I give you my commentary … subscriber data … full open & click rates for every email … sales chart … a breakdown of the campaign structure … send times & dates … and MORE!

And I gotta tell ya … ThIs PaRt ALoNe CouLd Be WoRtH ThE EnTiRe CoSt Of ThE CoUrSe!!! ?

Seriously though … when you see it, you’ll be blown away at having such a fully-stocked library of proven campaigns at your fingertips.

Even if there were something I had forgotten to teach you in the course … well, with the Annals of Email Conquest, you don’t even NEED me.

You can study some of the industry’s most successful email campaigns “from the inside” for yourself!