Model-viewer: Web 3D made easy Free Download

Model-viewer: Web 3D made easy Free Download

Model-viewer: Web 3D made easy

Display interactive 3D models in a browser with augmented reality, AR, using no or minimal code


Model-viewer is a web component created by Google. It makes displaying user interact-able 3D models on a web page a walk in the park. In this course I show you


  • How to source 3D assets online free or at low cost.
  • How to use the free 3D modelling program Blender to prepare the assets to work with model-viewer
  • How to use the online model-viewer editor to create a 3D web app
  • How to add augmented reality (AR) experiences to the page.
  • How to use pre-set model positions to direct a user to a product’s key features
  • How to setup a template for a shop featuring 3D displays of products for sale
  • A guide to the model-viewer API for more advanced developers

The course is aimed at Front-End developers with some HTML experience wanting to use the simplest and most robust Web Component to display 3D content on a web page. No programming experience is assumed.

Working with real-time 3D is fun and playing with AR is fascinating. You’ll be amazed at how much can be done with minimal HTML mark-up.

As usual there is a 30-day money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.

The course includes some useful examples that could form the starting templates for your own pages.