Fine Art B&W Photography: Capture & Edit stunning B&W Photographs
Fine Art B&W Photography: Capture & Edit stunning B&W Photographs
Learn to create beautiful and evocative B&W photographs with your Digital Camera and Adobe Lightroom.
At the root of all photography lies the B&W image. In this course you’ll learn what makes the B&W image so powerful and iconic. You’ll explore how to capture B&W images with your own camera, and then how to develop them in Adobe Lightroom to create stunning and powerful B&W photographs in the style of the great photography masters.
Have you ever looked at a great master B&W photograph and wondered how did they do that? This course will walk you through the process, so you’ll learn how to “see” in B&W and use your camera to capture what you’re seeing. Then you’ll learn how to use the incredible tools in Adobe Lightroom to refine and develop your image into a stunning B&W photograph, ready to print, frame and hang on your wall.
If you’re familiar with the basics of using your digital camera and editing in Lightroom, then this course will take you to the next level of control and mastery of your craft.
You’ll learn what settings to use on your camera to preview in B&W, and how to ensure that you have the best quality capture to work with.
Then in Lightroom you’ll learn how to use the Basic settings to control tonal range and contrast. We’ll explore various ways to convert your image to B&W, capturing all the subtle tones and gradations. You’ll even learn how the Color Grading panel works to add subtle color shades to your B&W image.
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