Master Lighting – Photoshop Manipulation with just 7 images
Learn how to effectively use colors and blend modes in conjunction with backgrounds to create the perfect lighting for any scenario. This tutorial is made in Photoshop CC 2019 but you can create this artwork using almost any Photoshop version although at least Photoshop CS6 is recommended if you’re not very experimented with Photoshop.
Mastering Lighting in Photoshop
When I talk about how to master lighting in Composition in Photoshop what I really mean is Master blend modes, contrast and brushing techniques. When lighting a scene in Photoshop, the choice of tone, saturation, luminosity as well as the blend mode you chose to have a huge impact on the final effect. So, mastering lighting in Photoshop is all about the right choice of color and blend modes.
In this tutorial I will show you my approach on how I use blending and how I choose the colors I used when creating different kinds of lights in Photoshop. I will explain how I use layering in order to make the lights pop and make more vivid effects.
The secret about not getting flat lights is on layering and using different blend modes on each layer as well as using different opacities, saturations and color lightness values. Mastering lighting in Photoshop definitely comes with practice so don’t be afraid to set yourself different scenarios to practice.
You d0n’t have to create complex manipulations in order to practice this. Simply download some great stock images from Pexels with different global lighting and. I created this collection of images for you that you can use to practice lighting in Photoshop.
All you need to do in order to start mastering lighting in Photoshop is practice. Gram one of those images, throw a few adjustment layers and add a source of artificial light like a candle or a lamp and start painting the light using the techniques show on this tutorial.
Another tutorial that will help you in creating advanced lighting in Photoshop is my tutorial where I show how to turn an image from day to night using advanced masking techniques which you can find below.
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