Anastasia Zavyalova – Family photography on a smartphone. Going to the professional level

Anastasia Zavyalova – Family photography on a smartphone. Going to the professional level

Anastasia Zavyalova – Family photography on a smartphone. Going to the professional level
Mobile photography has long evolved from just capturing life events into a distinctive art form. Smartphones are striking in their characteristics, but as we know, any camera is just a photographer’s tool. In this master class, Anastasia Zavyalova will talk about the features of shooting on a smartphone, technical nuances, life hacks and post-processing.

What is the master class dedicated to?

Strengths and weaknesses of mobile photography
How to tame your phone camera: settings, features of work
Light and composition are still central. Let’s deal with them
Phone shooting indoors and outdoors
Photo processing. Applications, basic techniques for working with images
Optional accessories for shooting

Lang: Rus