Actions for Photoshop Vintage Film Free Download
Once upon a time if you wanted to take a photo, it had to be shot on film. You would buy a roll, load your camera and take your pictures. Afterwards you would take the roll to the photo lab to get developed and you would finally see your photos. Digital photography has changed all this. There is no need for film, chemicals or darkrooms. Give digital camera footage the color and grain of your favorite vintage film stocks. Rediscover analog photography with this amazing film emulation actions pack!
Vintage Film Actions Set contains 6 collections / 300 actions:
- Color Film Effects (64 actions)
- Vintage Color Film Effects (69 actions)
- Historical Photography – Color (38 actions)
- Historical Photography – Monochrome (63 actions)
- Black and White Film Effects (57 actions)
- Vintage Camera Light Leaks (BONUS Collection, 18 actions)
Color Film Emulation Actions. This collection consists of pure color film emulations:
- Agfa: Agfachrome 1000RS, CT Precisa 100, Optima 100, RSX II 100, Ultra Color 50, Vista 200
- Fuji: Astia 100F, Fortia SP 50, FP 100C, Instax 100, Pro 160C/400H/800Z, Provia 100F/400X, Reala Ace 100, Superia 100/200/400, Superia Reala 100, Superia X-TRA 400/800, Velvia 50/100F
- GAF: 200 Anscochrome, 500 Anscochrome
- Kodak: Ektachrome 64T/400X/E100G/E100S/E200/P1600, Ektar 25/100, Elite Chrome 200 ED/EB 100, Gold 100/200/400, High Definition 200/400, Kodachrome 25/64/200, Portra 160 NC/400 NC/800
- Konica: Centuria 200/400, Color JX 100/JX 200, LV 100/400, Super XG 100/200
- Lomography X Tungsten 64, Lomography X-Pro 200
- Other : Jessops SHR 100/200, DNP Centuria 100/200/400, Polaroid 690, Polaroid 990
Black and White Film Emulation Actions. This collection consist of pure black and white film emulations
- Adox: CHS 100 II, CMS 20, Silvermax 21
- Agfa: Agfapan APX 25/100/400, Scala 200X
- Foma: Fomapan 100 Classic, Fomapan 200 Creative, Fomapan 400 Action
- Fuji: Neopan Acros 100, Neopan Pro 400, Neopan Pro 1600
- Ilford: Delta 100/400/3200, FP4 Plus 125, HP5+ @800, HP5 Plus 400, Ortho Plus, Pan 100, Pan F Plus 50, SFX200, XP2 Super 400
- Kodak: Kodalith Ortho, Panatomic-X 32, PLUS-X 125, Pro BW400CN, Technical Pan, HIE, T-MAX 100/400/P3200, TRI-X 400
- Konica: Infrared 750nm, Konica PAN 100/400
- Rollei: InfraRed 400S, Ortho 25, Retro 80’s, Retro 100 Tonal, Retro 400S, Superpan 200
- Other: Arista Edu Ultra 100/200/400, Polaroid Polapan Pro 100, Silberra U200/U400, Bergger BRF 200/400 Plus, ERA 100, ORWO N74/NP15/NP20, Svema FN64/FN125
Vintage Color Film Effects. This collection consists of vintage color film emulations and cross processing. Cross process is a technique that was originally developed for processing film images. By processing the film in the wrong type of chemicals, you could create a highly stylised image with drastically different colours and contrast.
- Adox Color Implosion 100 / cross process
- Agfa: Agfacolor XRG 100 / exp. film red shadows; Agfacolor XRG 200 / exp. film green shadows; CT Precisa 100 / xpro dark blue; Optima 200 / exp. film cyan shadows; Optima 400 / exp. film green shadows; Portra 160 / exp .film red cast; RSX II 100 / exp. film purple cast; RSX II 100 / xpro cyan cast; Vista 400 / exp. film purple shadows
- Fuji: Fortia SP 50 / exp. film magenta shadows; Fujicolor 100 / exp. film green shadows; Fujicolor 200 / exp. film matte shadows; Fujicolor 400 / exp. film purple cast; NPS 160 / exp. film red shadows; Pro 800Z / vintage film blue shadows; Provia 100F / xpro cyan cast; Provia 400F / xpro blue shadows; Sensia 100 / xpro magenta cast; Superia 200 / expired film; Velvia 50 / exp. film xpro green cast; Velvia 100F / xpro cyan highlights
- GAF: 50 Anscochrome / vintage print; GAF 200 Anscochrome / vint. print green shadows; GAF 500 Anscochrome / vintage print
- Hema: 200 CN / vintage print; 400 CN / exp. film green shadows
- Kodak: Ektachrome 64T / exp. film blue shadows; Ektachrome E100S / xpro ruby shadows; Ektachrome E100G / xpro violet shadows; Ektachrome E100VS / xpro bright blue; Ektachrome GX 100 / xpro green cast; Ektar 25 / expired film; Ektar 100 / exp. film green shadows; Ektar 125 / exp. film emerald shadows; Elite Chrome 200 ED / xpro intense green; Elite Chrome EB 100 / xpro exp. film; Elite Chrome EBX100 / lomo lc-a, xpro; Gold 100 / redscaled; Gold 200 / vintage print; Gold 400 / exp. film blue cast; Portra 400VC / xpro violet shadows; Royal Gold 25 / exp. film red shadows; Royal Gold 100 / vintage print; Royal Gold 200 / vintage film scan; Royal Gold 400 / xpro, blue shadows; Royal Supra 400 / exp. film green shadows; Ultra Max 400 / exp. film violet shadows
- Konica: Centuria 200 / exp. film brown shadows; Super SR-G 100 / exp. film cyan cast; Super XG100 / exp. film green shadows; VX 100 / exp. film red shadows; VX 200 / vintage print green cast; VX 400 / exp. film green shadows
- Lomography: Redscale XR 50-200 / iso 50; Redscale XR 50-200 / iso 200; X-Pro 200 / xpro green shadows
- ORWO: Chrom UT 18 / vintage print green cast; Chrom UT 21 / exp. film yellow cast; Color NC 21 / exp. film cyan cast
- Perutz: Perutz Film / vintage slide film; Perutz Peruchrome / vintage slide
- Polaroid: 600 / vintage print beige tone; 669 / exp. slide blue shadows; Polachrome 35mm / expired film
- Rite Aid: 200 / exp. film blue cast; 400 / exp. film green shadows
- Rollei: Crossbird 200 / xpro green shadows; Digibase CR200 Pro / xpro purple shadows
Historical Photography – Colour. This collection costist of color vintage and retro effects.
- Agfacolor Neu: vintage print cyan cast; vintage print blue cast
- Autochrome: blue shadows; green cast; yellow cast; extreme fading
- Casein Pigment Print: blue shadows; purple shadows
- Dufaycolor: violet shadows; green shadows
- Ektachrome / warm tone; purple shadows
- Fuji ImageTransfer: bright yellow; light yellow
- Gum Bichromate: cyan cast; blue cast
- Gum Bichromate Over Cyanotype : ver.1 and 2
- Kodachrome 35mm: cyan highlights; blue shadows; green shadows
- Kodachrome II: green shadows; blue shadows
- Kodacolor: purple shadows; extreme fading; green cast
- Polaroid Image Transfer: blue shadows; green cast; cream tone
- Polaroid SX-70 Film: purple shadows; cold cast; green cast
- Temperaprint: blue cast; green cast
- Vivex Colour Print: blue shadows; vintage print; yellowed
Historical Photography – Monochrome. This collection costist of monochrome and black&white vintage and retro effects.
- Albumen (brown tone, light brown tone), Ambrotype (green tone, brown tone), Anthotype (blue tone, magenta tone), Argyrotype (flint gray tone), Bromoil (brown tone, green tone), Calotype (black and white, brown tone), Carbon Print (orange tone), Chrysotype (magenta-cyan tone), Copper Photogravure (yellow tone), Cyanotype (bright cyan tone, cyan cream tone), Cyanotype over Gum (blue red tone), Daguerreotype (a bit of blue, black&white, yellowed), Dry Plate (black&white), Gum Bichromate (black&white, green and yellow), Gum Over Platinum Palladium (brown, green), Gumoil (brown tone, cyan tone), Kallitype (copper tone), Liquid Emulsion (black&white, lime green tone), Lith Print (blue shadows, green-yellow tone, selenium gold), Oil Print (green tone), Orotone (deep yellow), Palladium (warm gray tone), Photo Intaglio (green tone), Photopolymer Gravure (soft gray), Photopolymer Gravure (contrast), Platinum (light green tone), Platinum Palladium (soft green tone, soft purple tone), Polaroid 55 Print (yellow and green, yellow and blue), Pyro 48 (yellow and green, blue cast), Resinotype (black and white , brown cast), Salt Print (pink cast), Satista (green tone), Silver Gelatin (green tone, sepia and blue toned) , Stenope (black and white), Tintype (green and yellow, green tone), Vandyke (brown tone, blue tone), Wet Plate (black and white, contrast yellow cast, green tone), Woodburytype (red tone, green tone), Ziatype (black and white)
Vintage Camera Light Leaks Effects.
A light leak is a hole or gap in the body of a camera where light is able to “leak” into the normally light-tight chamber, exposing the film or sensor with extra light. This light is diffuse, although parts within the camera may cast shadows or reflect it in a particular way. Within the lomography movement it is seen as a positive effect, giving photos character. Here you will find 18 different artistic light leak actions.
- The actions within the set load multiple layers allowing you to easily adjust the look of the photo after the action has run, delivering perfect results. Now you can easily add creative look to your photos.
- Step by step instructions are included explaining how to apply content
- Mac OS X and Windows compatible
- Work great with Photoshop CS5-CS6, CC/2015-2020