Advanced Compositional Techniques: Level Up Your Photography

Advanced Compositional Techniques: Level Up Your Photography

 Advanced Compositional Techniques: Level Up Your Photography
Learning compositional techniques is not just for the beginner. Having a deep understanding of composition helps you train your eye to improve your visual awareness. It is that visual awareness that ultimately leads to you developing your unique visual style.

Join documentary photographer and photojournalist, KC Nwakalor, as he teaches you how to push your photography to the next level with tried & true compositional techniques.

In this class, you will learn:

    • What is Visual Awareness? Master the art of seeing
    • Shapes: Utilize shapes as a framing tool
    • Repetition: Maximize depth by noticing patterns in shapes, colors, lines, textures & forms
    • Entry & Exit: Give intention to the way your viewers travel through the photo
    • Layering: Bring more dimensionality to your work by utilizing all three layers
    • Visual Style: Analyze how your use of compositional techniques over time develops your unique style

This class is suitable for all levels. If you are just starting out, you will learn the foundations of great composition. If you are an intermediate or advanced photographer, you will learn how to increase your visual awareness and define your photographic style.