Advanced UV Normalizer v2.5.0 for 3Ds Max 2016-2025 Free Download

Advanced UV Normalizer v2.5.0 for 3Ds Max 2016-2025 Free Download

Advanced UV Normalizer v2.5.0 for 3Ds Max 2016-2025
Advanced UV Normalizer (AUVN) is a tool for normalizing the Texel Density across different objects. 

It has a comprehensive set of features to calculate, get, set and modify the Texel Density of your models based on different parameters such as Geometry Area, Texture Area, UV Area as well as the Geometry/Pixels and Geometry/UVs Ratios.
The Texel Density can be set using a fixed texture size, or you can assign different AUVN textures and normalize them all at once using their texture size.

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