Adventures in Creative Mobile Art Mastery

Adventures in Creative Mobile Art Mastery

 Adventures in Creative Mobile Art Mastery
“How to Use Your iPhone or iPad as an Incredibly Powerful Tool for Creating INSPIRED Artwork”

Imagine the creative muscles you would build if you learned to master the use of your iPhone or iPad — and trusted yourself to confidently leap off into a loose, spontaneous, playful, intuitive artistic adventure … dashing off with your art as a pure act of self-expression.

Imagine if you could let go of the need to capture a “great photo” and then “edit it” all nice and proper …

… and instead learned to combine a wide assortment of otherwise unassuming content (textures, shapes, colors, letter forms, deliberately blurred images, artistic marks) and use the mix of all that to create altogether original works of art, evocative of moods or themes you wish to explore in the moment.

Just as an impressionistic painter or a collage artist might attack a blank canvas.
So a loose, artistic approach.

But a loose approach rooted in a solid knowledge of core design principles.

An artistic approach — built upon a masterful balance of texture, tone, and form.

In other words: Imagine being able to switch on your creativity . . . as easily as swiping the screen to wake up your phone — and immediately leap off into a world of imaginative exploration …

Exploring possibilities and savoring all the surprises along the way …

Keeping an open mind throughout the process, while allowing each new element in the collage to propel you in a fresh new direction …

All while always striving to find the truth or essence in what it is you hope to express through your art.

That’s how you train yourself to increase your capacity for creative work, unleash your potential as an artist, and find delight in the process every single day.

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