Aescripts CircuitFX v1.9 Free Download
circuitFX is a tool for After Effects designed to create graphical circuit boards. The circuit pattern is generated randomly with every button press. Apart from the circuit lines and circles, circuitFX also creates, chips, resistors, and capacitors. It has the ability to put all of the needed parts in a single shape layer or create separate shape layers for each part of the board. Its ideal for technology or sci-fi related projects, animated backgrounds, HUDs, etc. NEW: Much faster and intuitive + static seed to repeat same circuit
circuitFX is an exciting new tool for After Effects designed to create
graphical circuit boards.
The circuit pattern is generated randomly with every button press.
Apart from the circuit lines and circles, circuitFX also creates,
chips, resistors and capacitors.
It has the ability to put all of the needed parts in a single shape layer
or create separate shape layers for each part of the board.
circuitFX features three generation modes:
• Fill out: fills the whole composition with the circuit board and its components.
• Center-out: leaves a user defined center square empty (simulating a CPU socket).
• Using Masks: uses masks from the grid guide layer to mask in/out parts of the circuit.
circuitFX is compatible with:
- After Effects CS6
- After Effects CC
- After Effects CC 2014
- After Effects CC 2015
- After Effects CC 2017
- After Effects CC 2018
- After Effects CC 2019
- After Effects 2020
- After Effects 2021
- After Effects 2022
- After Effects 2023
- After Effects 2024
- After Effects 2025
on both Windows and macOS (with Intel or Apple Silicon) platforms.