Alexander Zamorin – Composition for Beginners
Alexander Zamorin – Composition for Beginners
What do you learn:
See and fix errors in your photos
Create a strong frame composition
Keep the viewer’s attention in your photos
Properly compose portrait shots
Take dynamic photos from events
Build a multifaceted composition
Create cinematic landscapes
Take expressive shots of architecture
Compose art still lifes
Expertly evaluate the work of other photographers
Problem number 1 – an overabundance of information. Today, from the Internet, a whole avalanche of conflicting information is falling on you, because of which a real confusion will form in your head.
Problem number 2 is a dull pitch. Not all photographers manage to present the material well, and therefore, even in paid courses, beginners often experience difficulties in learning and throw a photo in the long box.
Problem number 3 – the lack of personal experience. It often happens that photographers explain a subject based on books, and not on personal experience – after such a drag, people begin to hate composition, although this is a wonderful thing that has great power in photography!
Problem number 4 – lack of feedback. More than one boxer
didn’t become a champion, learning from YouTube videos.
The same thing in photography, where feedback and the ability to ask a question to your mentor is very important.
Problem number 5 – few examples. When we touch on the issue of composition, it’s especially important here to understand each rule using examples – just then this science will become easy, accessible and monstrously effective for you in practice!
The solution to these problems was a new course
“Composition for the photographer”, in which I am on the steps
I reveal the secrets of the layout of the frame, accumulated over many years of my experience.
In this course you will find everything that anyone needs about composition
Photographer to create expressive photos!
A photographer with the skill of composition can
create impressive work with any camera
in hands, whether it’s a film, a sophisticated DSLR
or mobile phone.
After completing four weeks of training in this course, you can use the same techniques to build your shots that are used by professionals in photography and painting.
Lang: Russian
lexander_Zamorin_-_Composition_for_beginners.part1.rar – 4.0 GB
lexander_Zamorin_-_Composition_for_beginners.part2.rar – 4.0 GB
lexander_Zamorin_-_Composition_for_beginners.part3.rar – 3.0 GB