Animated Walk Cycles for Beginners (Rough Animator)

Animated Walk Cycles for Beginners (Rough Animator)

 Animated Walk Cycles for Beginners (Rough Animator)
This class will teach you how I animate a walk cycle using the same step-by-step techniques I use when animating my own animated characters. First, we will get your keyframe poses figured out using stick figures. Then we will add in-between drawings to smooth out the animation. Next we will add some shapes to fill in our characters so that we can do our cleanup drawings. Then I will show you how to add the characters head and why I don’t animate the head in the cleanup stage. Finally we will add colors to our character. I will also show you some extra tricks like using green screen with your animation, and making your walk cycle loop as long as you need. These are the techniques I use when animating my characters, and you can use them to speed up your animation workflow for your characters too.

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