Ankit Bhatia Films Lightroom Presets 2020

Ankit Bhatia Films Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020AB Lightroom Presets 2020

AB Lightroom Presets 2020

These are ultimate Lightroom Mobile & Desktop Presets to bang Instagram with Classic Unique Color Looks!

Works with ?
– Lightroom Mobile(Android & IOS),
– Lightroom Classic(Desktop)
– For IOS, you need to install in Desktop first and sync with Android.

What’s in the Package?
– 23 Lightroom Presets

How to Apply?
– Once you Purchase, you will receive a download link on your email.
– Once you download, you will receive one file with name,
– Once you extract this zip file, You will see a file with name “ReadMe”
– Open “ReadMe” File to see How to Install.
– There is also one folder “Videos – HowToInstall”
– Once you open this folder, you will see 2 video tutorials for both Mobile & Desktop on how to Install.
– There is also one zip file “AB – Mobile Presets”. You have to directly import this file into Lightroom as shown in video tutorials.


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