Anton Martynov – How to shoot self-portraits
Anton Martynov – How to shoot self-portraits
It would seem: what is difficult in a self-portrait? Sit down or stand up more comfortably, turn the “working side”, turn out beautifully … Then why, shooting yourself with good light and from various angles, you still don’t like yourself in the pictures? How to deal with this and what exactly to do in order to please yourself and others?
This class is dedicated to taking self-portraits, including selfies. You will learn how to set up autofocus and control the frame, how to set lights and find interesting solutions for shooting. In addition, the questions of the genre are raised and the works of the “greats” are analyzed: is it worth it to always strive for documentary accuracy of self-portraits, is it possible to try to put some meaning into the picture, and why do self-portraits at all?
Lang: Russian
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