Atmospheric Watercolor Painting – Techniques and Landscapes

Atmospheric Watercolor Painting – Techniques and Landscapes

 Atmospheric Watercolor Painting – Techniques and Landscapes

Hi, I’m Darren from Watercolor Mentor and welcome to “Atmospheric Watercolor Painting – Techniques and Landscapes. Atmospheric perspective or aerial perspective is a crucial but little-known technique that allows you to create depth and mood in your paintings. In this class, I’ll show you use to use wet-in-wet watercolor techniques to add an atmospheric element to your paintings. I’ll go through techniques that will allow you to create a romantic and soft feel to landscapes by pushing back objects into the distance or pulling them closer to the viewer. I’ll show you how to alter the mixture of paint and water in order to create blurry and soft shapes in the background. I’ll also show you how to layer darker values over the top of lighter ones in an already wet area.

This class is aimed towards beginners with 6 full landscape demonstrations which I’ll help guide you through step-by-step. There are scans, drawing, and tracing templates included as well for each demonstration to help you transfer your drawing over quickly and easily. You’ll be able to follow along in real-time with my drawing and narration videos.

In this class, I narrate my demonstrations in real-time. I explain every technique I use in the context of the painting, such as layering into wet areas to paint shadows of a tree. I’ll be going over the basics of wet-in-wet watercolor painting. I’ll talk about what materials you’ll need, your options, and which ones I use and recommend. If you have some brushes, watercolor paints, and paper, then you’re set to go.

Let’s create some beautiful atmospheric paintings that you can be proud of!

In this class, I will cover basics such as:

    • How to Draw and compose your painting – these lessons are placed at the beginning of each demonstration to show you how I sketch in basic details. I will show you how to place the horizon line, and how to quickly and accurately sketch in the reference photo. I will also talk about how I use my sketch to plan out the steps of my watercolor painting afterward.
    • How to use complementary colors to create vibrancy and interest in your watercolor paintings.
    • How to paint skies, sunsets, water, trees, buildings, and figures in a soft and loose manner, using a combination of wet-in-wet and wet-in-dry techniques. I’ll talk about how and when to wet your watercolor paper to obtain particular results such as the appearance of soft clouds, and when to paint in more rigid and accurate shapes once the paper has dried.
  • The importance of timing in watercolors and when to use different brushes.
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