Beginner to Expert! Final Cut Pro X Tips & Tricks From Professional Director & Editor Josh Peck!
Beginner to Expert! Final Cut Pro X Tips & Tricks From Professional Director & Editor Josh Peck!
No experience or equipment? No problem! Josh Peck, the film visionary behind “Silent Cry: The Darker Side of Trafficking,” uses his years of experience to guide you through life-and-time-saving Final Cut Pro X tips, tricks, hacks, and techniques to take your YouTube videos to the next level! Learn how easy it is to take your videos up to a level few YouTubers dare to tread! Josh shares his industry-insider knowledge to show you the best workflows for rough edits, smoothing out jump cuts, color grading, alignment correction, sound design, finding the best b-roll, rendering time-savers, and so much more! Josh has spent years developing creatives ways to deal with any editing situation that could come up. By utilizing Josh Peck’s signature techniques, you’ll be able to compete with the best online video creators out there, even if all you have is your laptop’s onboard webcam and microphone.