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Blender Addons Collection 3 July 2019 Free Download
Blender Market – DynRemesh 2.5.2 for Blender 2.8 – Quad-remesher/Auto-retopology Toolset
Note: DynRemesh 2.5/AutoFlow only works for Blender 2.8, not 2.79. Only DynRemesh v1.5 is supported for Blender 2.79.
DynRemesh 2.5 is a quad-based remesher for Blender 2.8, assisting in retopology for your dyntopo sculpts & 3dscans containing too many tris(triangles).
It includes support for QuadriFlow. QuadriFlow is a scalable algorithm for generating quadrilateral surface meshes based on the Instant Field-Aligned Meshes.
When working with any sculpt in general, you need clean topology in order for you to work with your assets.
Blender Market – Auto-Rig Pro 3.41.54 for Blender 2.8
Auto-Rig Pro is a set of tools to rig characters, retarget animations, and provide Fbx export for Unity and Unreal Engine.
All features have been ported to Blender 2.8 API.
[WARNING!] 3.41 is currently a beta version: it means it’s not ready yet, there may be bugs, crashes. Especially since Blender 2.8 itself is still in beta stage!It should not be used for production and serious projects. It’s only for testing and experiments, for informed users who want to play with the rigs in Blender 2.8. The latest stable release is the 3.40 version for Blender 2.79, download and use it for production usage.
Blender Market – Fluent 1.1.6 for Blender 2.8
Fluent is a non destructive modeling addon for Blender 2.8. Especially useful for hard surface modeling.
Note: DynRemesh 2.5/AutoFlow only works for Blender 2.8, not 2.79. Only DynRemesh v1.5 is supported for Blender 2.79.
DynRemesh 2.5 is a quad-based remesher for Blender 2.8, assisting in retopology for your dyntopo sculpts & 3dscans containing too many tris(triangles).
It includes support for QuadriFlow. QuadriFlow is a scalable algorithm for generating quadrilateral surface meshes based on the Instant Field-Aligned Meshes.
When working with any sculpt in general, you need clean topology in order for you to work with your assets.
Blender Market – BoxCutter 7.1.3 for Blender 2.8
BoxCutter is a fully featured Boolean system more powerful than Booltool and Hard Ops combined however goes in a direction that is unique and different.
This is not an extension. This is a separate tool. Focused purely on cutting.
The features and workflows developed in Hard Ops are intended to streamline and speed up the hard surface workflow.
Box Cutter is merely a concept of another idea that was just too big to be just a button in another plugin.