TexturingXYZ – Female 30s Multichannel Face #44
TexturingXYZ – Female 30s Multichannel Face #44 TexturingXYZ – Female 30s Multichannel Face #44
TexturingXYZ – Female 20s Multichannel Face #54
TexturingXYZ – Female 20s Multichannel Face #54 TexturingXYZ – Female 20s Multichannel Face #54
Brown roof PBR Texture
Brown roof PBR Texture Brown roof PBR Texture Each texture have 8192 x 8192 px and 4096 x 4096 px resolution. All these images are fully tileable (seamless) in JPG file format and have five maps: Diffuse / Albedo Glossiness Height / Displacement Normal Reflection Roughness Ambient Occlussion
Roofing felt 02 PBR Texture
Roofing felt 02 PBR Texture Roofing felt 02 PBR Texture Each texture have 8192 x 8192 px and 4096 x 4096 px resolution. All these images are fully tileable (seamless) in JPG file format and have five maps: Diffuse / Albedo Glossiness Height / Displacement Normal Reflection Roughness Ambient Occlussion...