Chip Phillips – Start to Finish #1 “Grand Teton Winter”
Chip Phillips – Start to Finish #1 “Grand Teton Winter”
In the second edition of the first video of my “Start-to-Finish” series, I take you through the entire editing process of my image “Grand Teton Winter” from beginning to final product. This video will give you a pretty good idea of the process behind my approach, and the steps involved in editing an entire photo from start to finish. The techniques that I use are fairly advanced, so a good understanding of layers and masking in Photoshop is recommended. Some of the techniques I use in this video include:
- Raw adjustments in Lightroom
- Multiple exposure blending
- Adjustments with Warp and Puppet Warp
- Adjustments to tonality with luminosity masks
- Light painting
- Adding misty atmosphere
- Micro contrast adjustments
- Adjustments using Nik Color Efex
- Orton Effect
- Sharpening for web and print
In this video I use Tony Kuypers 16-bit Action Panel V4 and highly recommend having it in your arenal of tools. It is available from his website. Included in this video download are the original Raw files for practice purposes, and my own “Orton Protect Darks” action. Run time is 1hr. Total size of the HD 1920×1080 MP4 download is about .5 gig.