Classical Animation Workflow & Techniques with Henrique Barone

Classical Animation Workflow & Techniques with Henrique Barone

MoGraph Mentor – Classical Animation Workflow & Techniques by Henrique Barone

This training series serves as a roadmap for understanding the discipline of traditional animation. Starting with a foundation in basic concepts and progressing to characters, we will take a multi-week journey in exploring this discipline. You will learn basic techniques and hear from the Henrique about best practices and techniques.

What will I know by the end?
The process of animation and an understanding of how to improve your work over time. People spend a lifetime mastering this discipline, but starting with a focus on the proper techniques can dramatically improve your animations.

When does it start?
Right when you sign up! This is a training series. Working through each week is spaced out over 6 weeks to give you time to truly understand concepts in the proper order.

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