Close Up: Creating Art with a Macro Lens

Close Up: Creating Art with a Macro Lens

Close Up: Creating Art with a Macro Lens

Webster’s defines it as “the making of photographs in which the object is either unmagnified or slightly magnified up to a limit often of about 10 diameters.”  Wikipedia’s definition is “extreme close-up photography, usually of very small subjects and living organisms like insects, in which the size of the subject in the photograph is greater than life size.” My definition is making really small stuff look really big LOL.
For me, like with other types of photography, macro photography is a journey.  The intention that I usually begin shooting with evolves to something completely different by the time I am done.  This usually happens as other elements begin to present themselves within my frame.  I might start out shooting an object in its entirety and then I’ll start to move around the object because I notice the way the light is falling a certain way or I find something interesting within the subject that I want to get CLOSER TO and explore it further. 

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