Clouds & Beach WATERCOLOR

Clouds & Beach WATERCOLOR

 Clouds & Beach WATERCOLOR

In this step-by-step tutorial I’ll show you how to paint a value study then a color study of this beach scene. I’ll talk about brush control, water and pigment, texture, and color during these real-time demonstrations. By the end of this class you will have a better understanding of how to paint clouds, water, and sand with watercolor.

This is what I’m using, but you don’t have to use the exact same materials.

    • Etchr Everyday Sketchbook (cold pressed) A4 size
    • Silver Black Velvet Brush #12 Round
    • Etchr Watercolor Brush #12 Round
  • Watercolor: Lamp black, anthraquinone blue, ultramarine finest, helio turquoise, diopside genuine, potter’s pink, perylene violet, yellow ochre