Create a self portrait, face the camera

Create a self portrait, face the camera

Create a self portrait, face the camera

Good self-portraits are just good portraits, plain and simple.

Are you used to being behind the camera?

Curious about what it would be like to get in front of it instead?

Want to get to know a different side of yourself?

Are you new to photography and want to start a project?

You could take a portrait a day for any period of time you choose.

Let’s begin by leaving the selfie behind.

Self-portraits enable you to experiment, try new lighting, try that idea you were considering, experiment with poses, build your confidence before you begin working with clients, capture a period of your life, get to know a different side of yourself and be more creative with your picture making.

You will need some way to take a photo, a stable surface to leave it on, and a way to set a self-timer. If you are using a camera it will be handy if you have a tripod and a remote.

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