Creating Depth in Post-Production with Irene Rudnyk: a Socality x Canon Creator Lab Workshop

Creating Depth in Post-Production with Irene Rudnyk: a Socality x Canon Creator Lab Workshop

Creating Depth in Post-Production with Irene Rudnyk: a Socality x Canon Creator Lab Workshop
Join us on Wednesday, April 8th for an online Socality x Canon Creator Lab workshop with instruction from portrait photographer and YouTuber Irene Rudnyk (@irenerudnykphoto) as she teaches the second of two online workshops around the subject of creating depth and feeling in your photography (Session I)  and editing (Session II).

This second session will cover themes including:

    • Creating a Medium Format crop affect
    • Tools for modifying and enhancing your background blur in post-production
    • Editing your subject and background to increase depth
    • Tips and tricks for using Dodge and Burn
    • Q&A

This workshop will include a combination of teaching from Irene and Q&A portion.

About Irene:

Irene is a portraiture photographer inspired by feminine beauty. She works to capture the woman in front of her camera in a more creative, romantic manner, putting a lot of thought into the environment and details of the photo to create a visually pleasing and feminine version of the finished product. Irene enjoys helping other photographers with tutorials, behind the scenes, and DIY videos.

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