Creating Game Environments in Unity and Maya
In this course, you’ll sample many of the skills needed to create a successful game environment. This will include artistic tasks such as composition and game development skills like reusing geometry and textures.
Game environment art requires skill from many disciplines and a careful balance of small-scale detail with big picture impact. This course, Creating Game Environments in Unity and Maya, will show you how to think and act like an environment artist, breaking out of the mentality to simply focus on single items and throwing them into a scene. First, you will examine the basics of environment modeling concepts and fundamentals. Next, you’ll focus in on how to iteratively incorporate many elements into a larger scene and beyond. Last, you’ll create a rendered scene that respects asset reuse, tiling textures, and Unity plugins. By the end this course, you’ll not only have an understanding of how to create a dynamic fantasy scene for games inside Unity but also the knowledge to iteratively incorporate many elements into a larger scene and beyond. Software Required: Unity and Maya.