CreativeMarket 90 Sharpie Marker Vector Brushes Free Download

CreativeMarket 90 Sharpie Marker Vector Brushes Free Download

90 Sharpie Marker Vector Brushes

Vector Brushes for Illustrator. Based on Sharpie Markers.

  • 90 Sharpie Marker Vector Brushes for Illustrator
  • 51 Bullet Marker, 29 Thin Marker, 10 Magnum Marker
  • very easy to use
  • handmade product
  • 3 .eps files (works Illustrator 10+)
  • 3 .ai files (works Illustrator 10+ and CC version)
  • 3 illustrator brush files

——– How to open brush files in Illustrator? ——–

  1. Open Adobe Illustrator
  2. Window / Brush Libraries / Open Brush Library / Other Library
  3. Choose the files without extension not the .ai or eps and open. / For CC open just the .ai files in CC folder
  4. Done 🙂


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