Critical Analysis and Application of Style by Alex Chow

Critical Analysis and Application of Style by Alex Chow

 Critical Analysis and Application of Style by Alex Chow
Alex Chow presents a Lecture about Critical Analysis and Application of Style followed by a breakdown of one of his painting.

Content :

  • Part 1 : What and Why
  • Part 2: Studying Style
  • Part 3 : Studying More Styles
  • Part 4 : Summarizing
  • Part 5 : Painting Breakdown and Personal Style Analysis

Alex Chow is an illustrator based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. His style combines animation and video game concepts with classical art techniques. He specializes in fantasy character illustrations and concepts.

He has professional experience in video games, graphic novels, comics, portraiture, board games, and game cards for  Riot Games (League of Legends), House Marque, Savage Interactive, Imaginism Studios, Nibiru RPG