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Digital oil painting flowers with ArtRage app
Are you looking for oil painting, but digitally? You’ve been trying different brushes but can’t really get the nice and rich textures you’re looking for?
Then this class is for you! I’ll be using ArtRage Vitae mobile app during the class. This app is available both on Android and iOS and is meant to be used on iPad or Android mobile devices. It’s really amazing the kind of textures you can achieve with it!
During the class you’ll learn:
– the basics of ArtRage. Even if it’s a very intuitive app, you’ll get the shortcuts right away without spending hours on it. I’ll briefly show you all the tools and settings available, then we’ll focus on oil painting tools: brushes and palette knife.
– How to paint flowers with the oil painting brushes in ArtRage. We’ll be painting three different paintings, increasing the level of difficulty:
– a simple tulip so you get the hand and feel of the app