Digitally Coloring Detailed Illustrations: From Sketch to Print or Web

Digitally Coloring Detailed Illustrations: From Sketch to Print or Web

 Digitally Coloring Detailed Illustrations: From Sketch to Print or Web

Artist and teacher Leigh Ann Rooney will guide you through creating colorful and detailed illustrations. This course focuses on coloring detailed hand-drawn illustrations and it will take you through all the steps from sketching to saving for web or print. Advanced techniques are used, but the step-by-step instructions are suitable for beginners, Photoshop experts, and everyone in between. A lot of options are discussed so that you can create a unique and original illustration. You will find your personal style of working with Photoshop and learn to have fun and be creative with the program.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

    • Inspiration for illustrations
    • Scanning and preparing your illustration for digital color
    • Creating custom color palettes to get the look you’re going for
    • Painting in Photoshop (I’ve developed some helpful tricks to make this kind of detail work MUCH easier)
    • Adding depth with handmade textures
    • Saving your illustrations so they are ready for print or web or anything else.

Materials you’ll need:

    • Pencil
    • Paper: sketch or computer paper and cardstock or bristol board
    • Pens or brush and ink
    • Scanner
    • Adobe Photoshop
  • Optional: Adobe Illustrator