Dog/Pet Photography Using Just Your iPhone & Natural Light

Dog/Pet Photography Using Just Your iPhone & Natural Light

 Dog/Pet Photography Using Just Your iPhone & Natural Light

In this class you will learn a simple yet pro level way for you to photograph dogs using just your phone and natural outdoor light. Even if you have very little experience using your phone’s camera.

You’ll learn:
What to look for in outdoor light
How shooting in portrait mode will make your photos look more professional
Using your phone’s built-in image editing app
Camera & phone settings you need to know
Other apps & tools you can use to fine-tune your images
and more…

Although the images in this class were taken with an iPhone, any recent phone or tablet can be used to start photographing dogs or other pets. Yes, you can certainly use your DSLR or Mirrorless camera.

You don’t need to purchase any additional apps or software to get started, however the apps and software mentioned in this class are recommended to help you finish your photographs to a more professional level.

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