Drawing 7 cute cat poses

Drawing 7 cute cat poses

 Drawing 7 cute cat poses
Welcome to my creative space, where today we will learn or practice drawing a cute little cat in 7 different poses or positions, in a whimsical way.

I am a French self-taught artist with more than 20 years of illustrating and teaching experience. I love adding cuteness to my works of art, with cuddly creatures, color, and loads of flowers to add a touch of beauty.

In this class, you can accompany me in drawing a cute cat in 7 different poses/positions. I will share tips and tricks as you follow along.

We will pencil sketch, then draw the line art with a felt tip pen, and as a bonus, we will color one of the cats and give it some simple shading. You can then use the techniques to color your own cat illustrations.

And as a bonus class at the end, we will create a greeting card with one of the cat illustrations.