Easy and quick start to drawing and painting on Procreate

Easy and quick start to drawing and painting on Procreate

Easy and quick start to drawing and painting on Procreate


Learn quickly and easily : how to draw on your iPad with Procreate!

Procreate is a creative application on iPad for drawing, painting, and lettering anytime, anywhere! This is a really powerful tool for digital artists, and it can be used for creating extremely detailed and advanced artwork. But of course it is also perfect for beginners as this is really easy to use.

Procreate enables you to draw or paint with limitless brushes and colors, anywhere you want, in the restaurant, in the plane, on your bed… without a lot of tools needed. Just the iPad with Procreate, the Apple Pencil and your creativity!

This course will help you get started with Procreate in a really fast and easy way.

I am going to show you :

– How to start and save a canvas

– How to use the basic tools, brushes and the shortcuts

– How to work with the layers

– How to use the different tools (selection tool, transform tool, adjustments tool, action menu)

Then you’ll see a lot of step by step illustrations and videos process of some of my drawings. And of course I am hoping to upload new videos (of drawing process) sometimes.

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