Highly recommend CHROMA presets
Fast & Fun Boosting of Creative Flow: Simple Experiments with Ink / New look on Asian Materials
We will use:
Rice paper
Black Ink
Coloured Ink
Asian Brushes
Brush Pens
We will work with free style abstract and figurative shapes and objects.
Also you will see the process of grinding ink and I will show you some cool magical stamps which end each session in such an interesting manner.
In this class I will demonstrate how to make the most from the minimal movements of the brush.
Because of the specific of the materials used in the class, in one session we can make about 10 artworks easily. Sounds fun, isn’t it?
The only extra effort I encourage you to do is:
Try and Get a new set of asian materials.
We will be observing the flow of ink through the special asian brushes and understanding the energy of the line, it’s movement and density.
Any level of students are welcome, because:
We all can draw, at least a line. Thats enough!
In this class, there is no need for creating the magnificent outcome, the main focus here is the joy of creating something easy and fun, with absence of judgmental critics from the mind of the creator.
I encourage you to connect with your own feelings and creative flow:
Make beautiful lines, funny twists, ugly shapes, aggressive strokes, monotone textures, put them in balance or make a complete mess, it does not really matter what you will do, just express your inner feelings.
The best outcome of the class is as much evidence of the expressed emotions, whichever they are.
Be yourself and do not afraid to use all paper in the block in order to feel as if you have said all you could say or shout out through this special material.
Ink is a very good tool for making fast and easy statement of the mood. Get in the flow, create for yourself, not for someone else to like it, or to prove something to others or even don’t try to prove anything to yourself.
We keep so much stress inside ourselfs and sometimes we cannot access help of the psychotherapist or support of our loved ones, therefore
artistic expressions can be your free fun therapy where the paper will listen to everything you want to yell, whisper or tell about.