Female character design with dynamic poses

Female character design with dynamic poses

Female character design with dynamic poses

Hello and welcome to this class i ll be sharing my process of female character design i ll explain how gestures ,shapes design, color theory hpw it works and my process flow for practice to improve faster and efficient those who are struggling to draw female don’t know how it’s structure is how you can draw so this course is for you you will able to understand basic things so you won’t be struggling to form character with dynamic poses

At the end of the course you will be able do draw the female character with ease and the main things is coloring in any design you will have better understand of how brushes work like airbrush ,smudge tools so that you can make great art

in this class we will be only using few brushes inbuilt of Procreate like round brush ,soft brush and hard brush , you will see basic techniques of how you can use them as in your favour smartly and how i use transform and warp tools of Procreate

This course is whoever who is struggling if you are beginner intermediate you can take this course and learn some things to improve your art skills too

so i ll be hoping you guys would check out my lectures and enjoy the process of creating characters

what you will learn

1. You can draw gestures & proportions easily

2. Female body in dynamic poses

3 color choices and highlights

4 more insight on standing out your character

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