Highly recommend CHROMA presets
Female Rigged By new2on Free Download
Full Rigged with over 30 facial blendshapes and 20+ skin morph targets in order to produce better rig quality and remove some joints issues such as overlaped knees, stretched hips, etc.
Model is suitable for use in broadcast, film, presentation, cut scenes, advertising, etc.
Product has SSS(SubSurfaceScattering) skin shader V-ray 3.0(VraySkinMtl)
Shaders was made considering any type of HDRI lighting and works perfect with sIBL, HDRI Light Studio etc.
Makeup and skin tan are separated in different bitmaps and layered sub-shaders. (in order to produce deeper control and blocking SSS effect)
Also complex body hairs (fur) are included.
Product has Marvelous Designer 5 project files for Bra and Pantys (in order to make interactive animation)
Total- 19 538 poly
body- 9 496 poly
eyes- 448 poly (each)
jaws- 2 168 poly (top) 2 156 poly (btm)
tongue- 156 poly
nails- 320 poly
shoes- 1 098 poly (each)
bra- 1 772 poly
The character is rigged and skinned (Biped + Skin).
Facial animation controlled by Morpher modifier. Morpher is wired to viewport sliders. Facial animation is controlled with 30+ morph targets.
Full control of the face – mouth, eyes, brows, jaw, tongue, ect. Facial expressions: mouth open; smile; lips open; anger/fear; tongue out; tongue lick; jaw open; jaw side; jaw front; eyebrows; eyes (blink); eyes iris (pupilsize); etc.
Lip-sync controlled by phonemes:
A; E; O; P; U; (C,D,G,K,N,R,S,Y,Z); (F,V); TH; L; (W,OO,Q)
Also model has several displacement maps to add details to blendshapes effect.
Skin has 7 different texmaps in order to produce better quality.
Overall- 8192x8192px .tif
Epidermal- 8192x8192px .tif
Subdermal- 8192x8192px .tif
Normal- 16384x16384px .tif
Displacement- 16384x16384px .tif
Gloss- 8192x8192px .tif
SSS radius- 4096×4096 tif
additional (microdetail only) displacement map also included.
Makeup & Tan- 8192×8192
Overall- 4096x4096px .tif
Normal- 4096x4096px .tif
Displacement- 4096x4096px .tif
Overall- 2048x2048px .jpg
Displacement- 2048x2048px tif
Bump-750x750px .jpg
Overall- 2048x2048px .jpg
Normal- 2048x2048px .tif
Displacement- 2048x2048px .tif
From 4096 to 2048px
Head, Lashes & Eyebrows- 3dsMax Hair&Fur (spline)
Body hairs- VrayFur
note: extract all zip files into root folder
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These presets add such a professional touch to my photos. They’re a must-have
The CHROMA presets make my images look so professional and polished with minimal effort
"Every preset in the CHROMA pack is unique and versatile. My go-to for editing now!"