Filmmaking For All: Tell Your Story Through Video

Filmmaking For All: Tell Your Story Through Video

Filmmaking For All: Tell Your Story Through Video

If you want to know how to tell an effective, compelling story through video this class is for you.
Going further (…if that does sound like you) you’re likely an avid video consumer – online videos, features, tv shows, shorts – and nothing is more exciting to you than a well executed story. Us humans have told and valued good stories since the beginning of time and since the birth of video, it has been one of the most impactful ways to tell one.

This class shows you how to do just that.

Key lessons include:

Knowing your audience

The 7 types of stories we tell

Finding YOUR story

Crafting your story – Research & Writing!

Translating your story to video

Building your War Chest – Picking the Right Video Mediums

The Gear you Need – from your smartphone to more

How to arrange & edit a gripping story – what goes where!