Full Time Photographer Tutorials with Josh Rossi

Full Time Photographer Tutorials with Josh Rossi

Full Time Photographer Tutorials with Josh Rossi


 Make photography your full time job, travel and live life to its fullest. The only podcast that reveals insider information into the mind of photographers and their clients. Make more money, get bigger clients and learn to avoid the mistakes other have made. Fast track your success by learning from the best in the photography industry.

 In this program, we cover all of the basics from what camera and lighting gear to buy to how to the most advanced photography, lighting, and editing techniques. Included is our 8-week business course that will help you attract your dream clients in no time.

compositing_secrets_josh_rossi.part1.rar – 3.0 GB
compositing_secrets_josh_rossi.part2.rar – 2.2 GB

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